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- INFO-HAMS Digest Fri, 15 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1026
- Today's Topics:
- Builder's Success - HF Sweep Tube Amp
- Kenwood TS140
- Modifiying radios for out of band operation
- rec.radio.shortwave "invite"
- RST (2 msgs)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 14 Dec 89 23:14:41 GMT
- From: hpfcso!hpfcdc!perry@hplabs.hp.com (Perry Scott)
- Subject: Builder's Success - HF Sweep Tube Amp
- Message-ID: <7880099@hpfcdc.HP.COM>
- I've been pestering the net for the past few months about a Rube Goldberg
- HF linear amp I've been building from a buncha 6LQ6s. I finally got it
- working well enough to report the results.
- Much of this will be familiar to the OFs, but many of us younger OFs
- weren't around during the sweep tube period in the 60s and 70s. I had
- quite a bit of trouble finding information on them, and had to rely on
- friend's old QSTs, ca 1969-1970.
- Sweep tubes are interesting beasties to work with. They have a relatively
- high plate capacitance, low plate voltage (I used 800 V), dissipate 30W
- continuously, or 300W for 10 seconds. For this reason, they make good
- SSB amplifiers. Another advantage is that you can usually find someone
- trying to get rid of these dinosaurs - I got some for $4.95.
- I found the DeMaw articles (QST 1969, 1970), and used his biasing
- arrangement to balance the currents in six sweep tubes. I used a bias
- voltage of -20V, and then used 10K pots to set the individual grid
- voltages to somewhere around 14 volts. The grids (control, screen, and
- suppressor) were RF grounded through a .01uF disc ceramic.
- The input circuit was merely capacitively coupled to the cathode. I
- put in a 1 ohm resistor and RF choke in the cathode circuit to meter
- the plate current. I may add a real tuned input circuit in the future,
- but my old Kenwood TS520 is able to resonate the input circuit, so it
- is not a priority.
- The output circuit was a conventional pi, with Rp = 450 ohms. This was
- determined with the standard equation - Rp = Vp / (Ip * K) - right out
- of the ARRL Handbook. At this low Rp value (>2K is the norm), the
- tune and load variable capacitors become quite large, adding to the cost.
- I made the mistake of using a disc ceramic in parallel with C-tune for
- the 80 meter band, and promptly burned two of them (let the smoke out in
- electronics parlance). The small disc ceramics cannot handle the
- current. I've given up on 80 meters until I can find a doorknob-type
- capacitor. I used commonly available silver-mica in parallel with
- C-load, which seem to be tolerating the current so far. I have gotten
- 40 and 20 meters to work, while 10 and 15 are elusive, probably due to
- the high plate capacitance of the six tubes in parallel.
- I'm running the amplifier slightly into the class C region, and am
- getting 60-65% efficiency out of it. The loaded tank Q is around 12,
- and total output power is over 400 watts (my RF meter scale only goes up
- to 300 :-) with about 80 watts drive. So far, most of my testing has
- been limited to a dummy load, since I am unsure how to measure harmonic
- power and how the FCC expects us poor hams to comply with their 40dB
- (is that right ?) harmonics floor.
- Next on the agenda is a trio of 4CX250Bs. I've found a cheap (free)
- source of used tubes that still have some life in them. We'll see if I
- can hit the 1500W legal limit with those. After balancing 6 sweep
- tubes, a trio of real transmitting tubes should be a piece of cake.
- Thanks to the Net for all the help. It's always nice to know we still
- have the capability to build useful equipment out of baling wire and
- bubble gum.
- Perry Scott
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 89 01:50:38 GMT
- From: unsvax!arrakis.nevada.edu!storkus@uunet.uu.net (Mike Storke N7MSD)
- Subject: CoCo WEFAX
- Message-ID: <1124@unsvax.NEVADA.EDU>
- Ok, since so many people are having mail bounce problems, and even though I
- don't want to waste net bandwidth, I'm going to post the UNENCODED program to
- this news and also to REC.RADIO.SHORTWAVE. As I am leaving for home tomorrow,
- and will not return until mid-January, I think this is necessary.
- The file will be in unencoded ascii code. All you have to do is remove
- headers and the like. I will post it later tonight.
- I'm sorry for any inconvenience this will cause to the network, but it is
- necessary. The WEFAX program is NOT long, and will only consume as much room
- as a typically long message (or a couple of the messages from these stupid
- threads we're seeing). 73's, Mike, N7MSD (Sig file will be in program message)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 89 00:43:40 GMT
- From: rochester!rit!ultb!cep4478@louie.udel.edu (C.E. Piggott)
- Subject: Kenwood TS140
- Message-ID: <1771@ultb.isc.rit.edu>
- >I am considering purchasing a Kenwood TS140. I would like to receive
- >opinions of the rig from people who have them. TU es 73's
- I like the 440 more. The $500 difference for a TS440S (with the built
- in antenna tuner) is worth it, if only for direct frequency entry
- keypad and SWR meter. The only thing that I wish they BOTH had is
- a built-in electronic keying unit. I like a station with as few
- separates as possible, for when I want to go portable, and it'd
- be nice to just be able to plug in a decent set of paddles, with
- the electronic keyer part built inside. (It's not even listed as
- an option in the TS440S or TS140S ads, and there's no controls for
- it on the panel).
- The ICOM IC-745 has this as an optional internal add-on board. The
- 745 is a great rig, except no QSK (only semi-breakin) and it's 100 watts
- (Kenwoods are 200w), and a TS-140 looks like a better deal than an
- IC-735 (ours is a 745, no longer made).
- Don't forget about the Yaesu 747, it looks pretty neat for the price,
- except that the panel layout is not as high-tech and pretty as it
- could be.
- De Chris, N2JGW
- R.I.T. Amateur Radio Club
- cep4478@ultb.isc.rit.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Dec 89 23:16:27 GMT
- From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!usc!henry.jpl.nasa.gov!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!peregrine!ccicpg!cci632!rit!ultb!cep4478@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (C.E. Piggott)
- Subject: Modifiying radios for out of band operation
- Message-ID: <1742@ultb.isc.rit.edu>
- In article <31140@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu> amirza@silver.bacs.indiana.edu (anmar mirza) writes:
- >Also, where is it a LAW that I cannot transmit out of bands on my radio?
- I disagree with you, and feel that the type-certifications are important.
- Even if I look at it from strictly a ham-radio point of view, to tell you
- the truth I have some serious reservations about the number of EMT's etc.
- who are out there with IC-02AT's and the like who are *NOT* hams.
- >Last I looked, it was merely a regulation through the FCC, not a LAW.
- But you bring up an interesting question: part 97 doesn't make any
- mention of penalties for infractions, except with regard to loss of
- your license for failure to answer an official notice of violation.
- Is this stuff, in fact, written somewhere? And for that matter,
- if it's 'law', do normal constitutional rights apply, or do we waive
- them when we sign the 610 form? (Like Driver's licenses)
- (Can we ask for a jury trial? :-) )
- >I also seem to remember something about certain regulations that are
- >suspended during emergencies, I highly doubt that I would get cited
- >for using my radio in good faith out of band during an emergency,
- I think that's quite a stretch. Even during emergencies, normal rules
- are only waived when other communications links fail. For the same
- reason, if your car breaks down in front of a telephone booth,what
- do you think would be the appropriate LEGAL response, to use the
- autopatch, or to get out of the car and use the payphone? The
- answer is quite clear; if the FCC thought that emergency services
- were an exception because they respond to emergencies, I think that
- they wouldn't be required to be type-certified in the first place.
- (Is anybodys still reading?)
- Chris N2JGW
- cep4478@ultb.isc.rit.edu (pls. include a return path)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Dec 89 09:27:27 GMT
- From: philmtl!philabs!ttidca!sorgatz@uunet.uu.net ( Avatar)
- Subject: rec.radio.shortwave "invite"
- Message-ID: <8495@ttidca.TTI.COM>
- In article <6894@shlump.nac.dec.com> s_dowman@leaf.enet.dec.com (Steve Dowman) writes:
- +In article <8460@ttidca.TTI.COM>, sorgatz@ttidca.TTI.COM ( Avatar) writes...
- + (mindless drivel on swl'ers being dweebs and anti-Ham)
- +
- + Hey Avatar, how are we gonna kiss your ass if you keep talking through
- + it? Sheesh, who are you anyway, The Incredible Iron Ham Man? Your
- + attitude is amusing. This Ham is cooked!
- Mr. Dowman,
- Your choice of language and the tone of your posting simply proves my
- point about this issue. I doubt that you understand the significance of the
- conflict on .shortwave: The chap who lost the round, claims to be an officer
- for the American SWL clubs or some suchlike. Now wouldn't you think that a
- person so involved would have a better background on radio law and history?!!
- His ignorance about such matters is compounded by the fact that he seems
- unable to admit, in public, that he is in error regarding the facts. Does
- this extend to you as well? I never called YOU a dweeb...be a little more
- careful what you sling, eh? ;-)
- --
- -Avatar-> (aka: Erik K. Sorgatz) KB6LUY +-------------------------+
- Citicorp(+)TTI *----------> panic trap; type = N+1 *
- 3100 Ocean Park Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405 +-------------------------+
- {csun,philabs,psivax,pyramid,quad1,rdlvax,retix}!ttidca!sorgatz **
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 22:53:08 GMT
- From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!usc!henry.jpl.nasa.gov!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!peregrine!ccicpg!cci632!rit!ultb!cep4478@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (C.E. Piggott)
- Subject: RST
- Message-ID: <1751@ultb.isc.rit.edu>
- In article <3187@faraday.ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov> fariss@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov (Gary B. Fariss) writes:
- >N3xxx: "KH6xxx 59 Pennsylvania."
- >KH6xxx: "You're 59 Hawaii. QSL?"
- >N3xxx: "QSL. Thanks for Hawaii! How's my signal out there?"
- > :-)
- Our first contact during the conest was given a (quite honest) 55
- signal report. After two more QSO's we caught on that everyone was
- giving out 59's, hearing something like this:
- "You are 59 colorado 59 colorado"
- "Thank you, you are 59 new york, 59 new york, please repeat your call
- prefix, we couldn't make it out, you're very weak, VERY weak!"
- The awful part is that, for the remaining 35 hours 45 minutes of
- operating, we were feeling guilty about giving the guy the 55!
- Did any other university clubs out there participate in the conest?
- We finaled 23 states and 32 dxcc countries, total about 29,000 pts.
- --
- Chris, N2JGW
- R.I.T. Amateur Radio Club, K2GXT
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 89 01:05:02 GMT
- From: rochester!rit!ultb!cep4478@louie.udel.edu (C.E. Piggott)
- Subject: RST
- Message-ID: <1772@ultb.isc.rit.edu>
- In article <790@larry.sal.wisc.edu> sde@larry.sal.wisc.edu.UUCP (Scott Ellington) writes:
- >Speaking of call signs, shouldn't stations be required to give their own
- >call at least once per contact?
- YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- BOY is it AGGRAVATING to listen to some bonehead call "QRZ?" and then
- repeat the calling station's callsign, say "THANK YOU FOR xyz, QRZ?"
- and give his own callsign every 10 minutes or so!!!
- (1) It's not fair to me, as a contest participant, to have to wait
- for you to give your callsign sometime in the next 8 or 9
- minutes. I spend this time waiting to hear who you are,
- when I could be out contesting. You would *THINK* that the
- big guns who are calling CQ on some freq. would show a
- little more courtesy in this respect.
- (2) The law states at least every ten minutes during and at the end
- of EACH COMMUNICATION. This means when you're DONE talking
- to ME, you give your callsign, *NOT* in 10 or 15 exchanges,
- after EVERY ONE. I don't think that there's any room
- here for interpretation.
- This is the way *I* operated, and it didn't hurt at all.
- Chris, N2JGW
- cep4478@ultb.isc.rit.edu
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1026
- ***************************************